(RazzorSec) UnChained- India’s first blockchain security event
Hey everyone, hope you all are doing well! It’s been a long time since i last wrote a blog. Today i will write about RazzorSec and UnChained. Let’s get started!

Why Do We Need Blockchain Security?
Even blockchain networks are not immune to cyber attacks and fraud. Those with malicious intent can manipulate vulnerabilities in blockchain infrastructure and over the years, have succeeded in various hacks and frauds . There is no shortage of news related to crypto hacks, financial loss, blockchain infrastructure attacks online.

What Is RazzorSec?
RazzorSec is the first blockchain security community of professionals drawn from around the globe. The community is enriched with study materials, regular discussions on trendy topics and problem solving using blockchain, daily whitepapers, daily blockchain news, blockchain security testing tools, books, custom roles, job postings, white papers, CTFs, cryptography, CTF write-ups, exciting blockchain projects, methodologies, blockchain meetups and webinars, interview help, etc. And of course, memes!
Why Created RazzorSec?
As blockchain security is still finding it’s charm around the world, we decided to build a platform to help the info-sec community learn from each other and grow together.

What Is UnChained?
It will be an online, free to attend conference consisting of professionals from around the globe explaining blockchain security and hacks. The conference will live stream on our YouTube channel.

The Need Of A Blockchain Security Conference
Blockchain is a trendy topic. So is it’s security. Although blockchain offers a way to efficiently store data, execute transactions and establish trust in an open distributed environment, they are still vulnerable to attacks. We thought to change this and create awareness and came up with Unchained. The focus of Unchained is to promote research, development and knowledge sharing around the security aspect of blockchain technology.
Who Should Join?
People with a passion for blockchain security, students, researchers, professionals.
You can connect with us on:
Website: https://razzorsec.ml
Twitter: @razzorsec
Instagram: razzorsec
LinkedIn: https://in.linkedin.com/company/razzorsec
YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCbRy6PCDMfcyFB7IEQpy08A
Discord: https://discord.com/invite/JTkeNXX